
2009-12-27 4:21 am
1.nikon D5000 &nikon D3000各有的好處是什麼?邊部較好?

2. nikon kit set既鏡頭係18-55mm,咁我可以買支55-250mm鏡頭嚟代替18-55mm嗎?會有咩唔好處?



5.如果冇live view的話,可以從個格仔度睇到淺景深既效果嗎?


ignatius文: 咁我要問得多,先可以知得多架!!我真係搵唔到呢D資料先上嚟問姐...咁樣樣資料都可以搵到既,咁知識+要嚟做咩呀?

回答 (1)

2009-12-28 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. D3000 does not have live-view function whereas D5000 has this function. Other features basically are similar.
2. No. The two lens are different in their zoom range. 18-55 lens is for normal use like taking scenery photo, group photo, etc. 55-200 lens is for long range zoom, portraits, etc.
3. It's not the camera that makes the effect, but the lens. Whatever zoom lens can do this effect. All you have to set a slower shutter speed so that you have time to turn turn the zoom ring but zooming in from wide to tele at the same tim.
4. When using an extender, the biggest aperture will also be multiplied. E.g. 2x extender will have a double of the biggest aperture. So it is a sacrifice for more light coming into your camera will when under dim light, you will have difficulty in taking a good photo.
5. Most cameras have a Depth View Preview button. With this button, the view finder will show the actual view depth of the picture.

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