They sat waiting

2009-12-26 9:02 pm
Hi, buddy, Merry Christmas~

I want to know the syntax of the titled question [They sat wating].

To me, it is clear that the writer wants to say [they sat and waited], but why the writer said [they sat waiting] instead?

Is that grammatically correct?
Does the questioned sentence contains 2 verbs?


回答 (1)

2009-12-27 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案

They sat there waiting.

作者可能省略了there,因為正如你都明白這兩個字的原意。不是有兩個verb,只有sat是過去式sit,而waiting是gerund-在等候。你理解為and waited並不太正確,因為作者的用意是用waiting表達sit這動作的作用或原因或情況,所以並不是說sit和wait,而是說sit的目的是waiting.


假如想講不同的sit的原因可以寫成:They sat crying their heart out because they lost the football match, They sat pointing at the store to comment about the various clothes on display, etc.

As I said, I could be wrong as I am just gussing the context.

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