F.4 math---inequalities2

2009-12-26 9:02 pm
If the value of the quadratic function y=(k-4)(x^2) - kx + 4x + k - 1 is non-negative for any real number x and k is a constant, find the range of values of k.

Let f(x) = (x^2) + 4kx + 1 and g(x) = 5k-5, where k is a constant. If f(x) ≧ (x) for any value of x, find the range of values of k.

回答 (3)

2009-12-26 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since y=(k-4)(x^2) - kx + 4x + k - 1>=0, then the quadratic equation may have or not have roots.
Then, discriminant<=0 (The equation will not have 2 distinct roots since the function is non-negative)
k<=0 or k>=4

This means the graph of f(x)-g(x) is always greater or equal to 0, that is, the equation may have or not have roots.
discriminant<=0 (Just like Q1)

2009-12-26 14:09:33 補充:
係喎...Thanks nelson...

2009-12-26 14:12:04 補充:
Addition for Q1, since the graph is non-negative, the coefficient of x² has to be positive.
i.e. k-4>0 -> k>4

combined with the result of the previous part, the ans is k>4
2009-12-27 1:42 am
Since y=(k-4)(x^2) - kx + 4x + k - 1&gt;=0, then the quadratic equation may have or not have roots.
Then, discriminant&lt;=0 (The equation will not have 2 distinct roots since the function is non-negative)
k&lt;=0 or k&gt;=4

This means the graph of f(x)-g(x) is always greater or equal to 0, that is, the equation may have or not have roots.
discriminant&lt;=0 (Just like Q1)
2009-12-26 9:27 pm
(1) k has to be > 4 so that the parabola is always positive.

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