If u want to be a management trainee, salary aroud $15000
You have to meet the folliwng requriements bascailly
favourable age group
bachelor or above in any disclpine in a popular and recongizned unviersity
smart, excellent interview skills, good apperances
C or above in HKCEE english Lang(SYlb) and UE AS/level 5 or above from 2007 onwards
C or abvoe in HKCEE Chinese
If u just want to be "ADMIN' ( in fact a better title for clerk) , salary around $8000-9000
bachleor or above (for business, u must be business related)
2 years clerical experience (for business, u must be buisness realted)
D or abvoe in UE/Eng(SYLB) / Level 4 or above from 2007 onwards
good Apperances, OK interview skills