F.3 Bio food substance

2009-12-25 4:02 am
Unknown liquids B and D, they both contained reducing sugars.

Q : Suggest another test for liquids B and D to test for the type of food

substance they both contain (reducing sugars).

Unknown liquid B : do not contain starch, proteins, vitamin C, just contain reducing sugars Unknown liquid D : do not contain proteins, vitamin C, just contain reducing sugars and starch *只有這些有關資料


問題是問: 仲有什麼Test可以test到reducing sugar? 唔要Benedict's test

回答 (4)

2009-12-25 6:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry i am not too understand about the question.
To investigate the unknown liquid contain reducing sugar or not, we can use Benedict's test
Put the Benedict's solution into liquid B and D . If there is reducing sugar, brick-red precipitate will be formed.
To find out the liquid contain starch or not, we can use iodine test . Put some iodine solu. into the liquid.If there is starch,the liquid will change into dark blue colour.
To find out there is protein or not, we can use Albustix paper . If the liquid contain protein, the Albustix paper will change from yellow to green .
To find out whether there is Vitamin C,we can use DCPIP solution . Add some DCPIP solu. into the liquid.
If there is Vitamin C, the DCPIP solu. will change from blue to colourless.
2010-01-01 12:06 am
2009-12-29 1:08 am
Unknown liquid B: Clinistix paper test which test for the presence of glucose.
Dip the test end of a clinistix paper into the test sample. The paper will turn from Pink to purple if glucose is present.

Unknow liquid D: same as above.

Hope that i can help you :D
2009-12-25 4:43 am
兩者有咩唔同先= =?
要知道有咩唔同,先可以suggest到test出黎= =

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