adject + for 及 adject of 點用

2009-12-24 10:13 pm
想問adject + for 及 adject of 點用,有甚麼分別,點可以分得清楚 ?

回答 (3)

2009-12-25 9:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The difference between "adj.+ for" and " adj. + of " is the target which you
talk to.

We always use " adj. + for " to explain whether something is good or bad for someone like " suitable for" , " bad for " and so on.

But, the reason why we use "adj. + of " is to describe someone's personality or virtues. For instance, " It is kind of you to help with your brother's homework." In this case , "kind" implies your personality.

Remember that we use both of them (adj. + for and adj. + of ) with a
particular sentence structure in general----- " It is + adj. + for/ of + to ...."

If not, you can take away " it is " and add a subject instead. " To " can be
dealt with freely based on your choice.

Hope that you will find it useful .
參考: based on my knowledge
2009-12-25 7:13 pm
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2009-12-25 10:18 am
adj + for 及 adj + of 好像沒有特殊的語法關係
那只可以解剖for 和of 的用法.
For 有 關於. 給. 為了. 等等意思. 如: Tt's a book for children.(這是本兒童讀物)
For you.(關於你) 等等...
Of 有屬於,關於的意思, 如: Bank of china (中國銀行) 等等.

可能for 同of 都有關於的意思你分不清楚.
For 主要係沒有屬於的意思. 好似book for children咁樣. 只係一本為兒童而寫的書. 不是屬於兒童的書.

Of 其實有''的''的意思. 如bank of china . 中國的銀行. ''這個比較難解釋.因為英語跟中文不同語系. 中文沒有of 呢個語法功能. 唯有解釋佢做的''
如book of children 可解作 兒童的書.
但注意 book of childre是兒童的書. 不是書的兒童.
參考: 我想不到有什麼句子是adj + for 同of .或者可以提出一啲句子.

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