Look Good???????????

2009-12-24 12:07 am
Why everything in this world is all about "looking good?" Many are just lies.

回答 (3)

2009-12-27 11:31 pm
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It's true that appearances matter more than reality to many people.

Take churches for instance: The beautiful structures and elaborate insides draw people and make them feel special. The lie is that they are not learning much about God-it's all about appearances there too. People wearing their best clothes and admiring each other, gossiping, chanting, and doing a host of other things that sure don't impress God, in fact He said He wouldn't be in any building. He abhors man made structures.

We think if it looks good, it must be good. We think if you look good, you must be good. People oftentimes are very shallow and self-absorbed.

Why?? Maybe we aren't all that bright. We can be led and deceived quite easily. We are attracted to things that are bright and gleaming and beautiful looking.
2009-12-24 9:04 am
becuase the natural concept of earth is imperfect to give us each a feeling of individual private lives!
2009-12-24 8:39 am
well because the way the world is going its all about physical appearance as opposed to the famous saying "beauty is on the inside" and so, although that may be true, people don't necessarily all abide by that statement.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 00:49:25
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