country story d 樹點整走

2009-12-24 5:12 am
Country Story d 樹死咗之後點整走o架?

回答 (2)

2009-12-24 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you can dig it away , by pressing the remove button .

Where's the remove button : look to the bottom right of the game's screen , you will see many icons , such as the fertilizer button , the seeds button , the watering button the harvesting button the plow button , the walk button and so on... the remove button is between the fertilizer button and the harvesting button..
hope you understand me .... by the way , I wish you a merry christmas ! Send me an email if you don't understand ....
參考: me XD
2009-12-24 6:09 pm
Click "plow" (好像一個斧頭)

然后, click 拿地which 有死樹就行
參考: me

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