meaning of global capital??

2009-12-24 5:00 am
I am doing my assignment on Corporate Social Responsibility.

And here is the question:
"In a world dominated by global capital, to what extent has the individual consumer become the victim of corporate power and influence?"

Does global capital means capitalism?
Because I cant seem to find the dinfinition of it on internet, and would be apprecaite, if anyone would also give me recommendation on different websites, and sources that i could use for my work, Thank you very much!!

So what does Global Capital mean?? does it mean globalisation or capitalism??

回答 (2)

2009-12-24 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
For reference only.

- Note the Wal-Mart business model.

- Individual consumers are NOT necessarily the VICTIMS of corporate power
and influence, cause they are able to buy most of the foreign produced
goods at comparatively low prices, at one-stop shopping.

- The actual victims are:
The local smaller businesses are being forced to bankruptcy because they are
unable to compete with Wal-Mart's low, low prices.

The store workers have no choice but to accept low wages, few benefits and
little job security.
Global capital


Big-box store

Category killer

- Happy to help others.

2009-12-24 03:54:43 補充:
- It means globalization, i.e. the worldwide integration of economic, cultural, political, religious
and social systems. It is beyond capitalism.
2009-12-29 5:03 am

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