
2009-12-23 9:58 pm
Dear xx:
OH! Long time no see=) I miss you too,I have live in taing Yi now.
I think you have call me, so you know my address,
But that day i am not at home.
Thank's you haven't forget me , and give me a christmas letter
and i also hope you have an amazing holiday with your friends and family.

回答 (4)

2009-12-24 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案

Dear xx:
OH! Long time no see=) I miss you too.Ihave been living in Tsing Yi.
I know that you have visited me last Sunday but I was not at home.
Thanks you that you havent forgotten me andhave left me a christmas card. I also hope that you would have an amazing holiday with your friends and family.
2009-12-24 9:45 pm
Dear xx:
OH! Long time no see =) You still remember me! I miss you too. I am living in Taing Yi now.
I guess you have called me, but I am sorry I wasn't home that day and that's how you got my home address, right? Smart move!

Thanks for not forgetting me , and even sent me a christmas letter. (card, greetings, ...)
I also hope you will have an amazing holiday with your family and friends.
Keep in contact.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.

From Taing Yi with Love.

(**'family' comes first and then 'friends')
(sorry for adding much, is it better?)
2009-12-23 11:15 pm
Dear xx,

Oh! Long time no see =) , I miss you too, I live in Tsing Yi now.
[I think you've called me, so you know my address]--(don't really understand what you are trying to say?)
But that day, I wasn't at home.
[Thanks that you havent forgetten me, and send me a Christmas letter]--(don't understand either]

I hope you have an amazing holiday with your friends and family!


Overall, OK 啦,有些句子不明白
參考: 自己
2009-12-23 10:22 pm

Do you live in Tsing Yi?

I think you called me the other day, but I was not at home. [Past tense - 為是之前已經發生了的事]

haven't [要'] forgot/forgotten me,
give me a Christmas letter→sent me Christmas greetings.

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