Cell division

2009-12-23 6:59 pm
1.why do we need meiosis?

2.what is the difference between meiotic cell division and meiosis?

3.why do we need mitosis?

4.what is the difference between mitotic cell division and mitosis?

Please help me, I so confused about that.

TO Tom, 係咪即係...meiosis係meiotic cell division既其中一個process...但係meiosis唔包括cytoplasmic? ie: meiotic cell division = meiosis + cytoplasmic


TO Tom, 今年中四...NSS...改左中四教cell division, 但係有d混亂咁啦..所以想搵人幫手... THX =]

回答 (2)

2009-12-23 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. allows the combination of genes from two parents and the genetic variation
beacause insependent assortment and the crossing over of genes

2 meiotic cell division means" Prophase 1 ,metaphase 1 ,anaphase 1 ,telophase 1
Prophase 2 ,metaphase 2,anaphase 2 ,telophase 2" and cytoplasmic division
but meiosis is only the nuclear division includes only " Prophase 1 ,metaphase1 ,anaphase 1 ,telophase 1 Prophase 2 ,metaphase 2,anaphase 2 ,telophase 2"

3 -growth
-repair and replacment of body parts
-regeneration of the lost part of the body
-asexual reproduction

4 like the answer in Q3...
mitosis is only the nuclear division.... a part of mitotic cell division..

2009-12-23 23:38:02 補充:

因為cell division 係whole cell ge
而我地就分佢為nucleus(meiosis) 同 cytoplasm (cytoplasmic division)


2009-12-24 14:38:31 補充:
@@ 原來係咁

2009-12-23 9:33 pm
True. Meiosis is only a process in meiotic cell division.
meiotic cell division = meiosis(nucleus seperation) + cytoplasmic division
Same applies to mitotic cell division.

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