
2009-12-23 8:25 am
1. 好多人唔知別人 英文好背後,人地付出左幾多努力

2. 學生普遍只懂把責任推在英文老師的教學素質, 教育制度, 從唔去檢討自己學英文的問題

回答 (5)

2009-12-24 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
We often don't realize people who are proficient in English have to study hard to achieve the result.

Students who generally shift the blame on teachers' quality or the eduction system do not reflect on their own English learning efforts.

兩段都只用一句英文完成你要的意思,每句只用一個主體(We, Students),代替你每句都重復(別人/人地)和(學生-自己),希望你認真看看學習如何把意思精簡化為寫作的文字。


2009-12-23 7:25 pm
1. Many people do not know others English well behind, the human pays left more than several diligently
2. The student only understands generally the responsibility pushes in English teacher's teaching quality, the educational system, from does not examine oneself studies English the question
2009-12-23 6:23 pm
1. A lot of people Do not know English well behind the others, how many people to pay

2. Students were generally only know how to put the responsibility on the quality of teaching in the English teachers, education system, from the Well to review their own problems learning English
2009-12-23 5:49 pm
1 Many people do not know that others have worked very hard to acquire themselves with high english proficiency.
2 Instead of retrospecting one's problems of learning english, students generally only attribute the responsibility to the teaching quality and education system.
2009-12-23 12:53 pm



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