德國(天鵝堡) 瑞士(少女峰) 捷克(布拉格) 密月旅行

2009-12-22 9:57 am
我想同未來老婆去歐洲度密月, 好想去德國既天鵝堡 瑞士既少女峰, 同埋去布拉格. 其實自己冇乜頭緒. 唔知應該點安排個行程好. 可以幫下忙比小小意見嗎.

1. 十日. 唔知夠唔夠時間去呢三個地點呢. 因為上網睇, 去得10日既, 都好少見人會安排去晒呢三個地方. 不過我最想去都係上面提及o個三個點. 夠時間嗎?
2. 睇過地圖. 由西至東. 分別係瑞士-->慕尼黑-->布拉格. 係咪應該由香港直飛瑞士, 做第一個點呢. 定係可以有其他路線....
3. 如果真係唔得. 我會取捨瑞士或者布拉格. 因為我地最想都係去天鵝堡睇下.
4. 火車飛係咪要及早上網訂, 到時買會好困難嗎. 還是得貴呢?
5. 網上訂德國到瑞士 或者布拉格的火車飛可以去邊個web site?
6. 我想入住一點特式小小的平價酒店或民宿. 有沒有好的網址可以提供呢?

最后. 如果大家有咩提示, 可以提點一可我嗎.......


回答 (2)

2009-12-23 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. If you only go to these places only, it will be OK, but you have to bear in mind that the time for transport will be quite long.

2. Fly to Swiss first seems OK, as there is no direct flight to Prague from HK, I think.

3. For 天鵝堡, you can stay at Munich and take a day trip there. Of course you can also stay one night there.

4. You may check with the rail pass with your planned itinerary to see which pass best suits you.

5. I guess you buy a rail pass will be cheaper than you buy single tickets.

6. You can also check with the Information Centre there.
2009-12-30 7:35 pm

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