How do you respond if someone ask you your bra size?

2009-12-22 5:04 am
Do i actually tell them? Or will that make me seem like a slut by telling them?

回答 (12)

2009-12-22 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ask them why they would want to know. If a woman, tell her to guess. then of course lie and make it bigger. If it is a guy asking, ask if he wears the regular or the small condoms. If he asks, tell him you've heard condom size is comparable to brain size.
2009-12-22 5:18 am
Hey im a dude but i gotta a fat buddy and hes kinda got breast and he just punches me when i ask him his bra size
2009-12-22 5:17 am
I don't tell them, I mean it isn't something you go around telling unless you are trying to get like a shirt or something. I don't think it would make you seem like a slut, but others will think of it that way.
2015-10-28 9:28 pm
I usually reply with asking the size of their penis... or asking if they planned on buying me bras... either way a man that feels compelled to ask your breast size when you re A.) not engaged in cyber/phone/actual sex or B.) not planning on engaging in cyber/phone/actual sex really has no business asking....
2009-12-22 2:05 pm
It's your decision.

If I was a girl, I'd probably say

"None of your business" unless you were shopping for bras of course. =P
2009-12-22 5:32 am
well, it depends on who it is.

if its like a guy, i'd say: "dont worry about it."

if its like your group of friends and everyone is asking eachother, why not.
2009-12-22 5:29 am
thats ignorant but it probably doesnt matter .. and did your mom name you slut did your dad name you slut did your grandparents name you slut is slut on your birthcertificate do your best friends call you slut.. did the doctor that delivered you call you slut.. does your siblings call you slut.. does the mail box have slut on all your mail is slut on your tombstone does it say slut if you are in a church bullitin .. sacred or vicious..your choices... JESUS.. when you were one day old did someone call you slut..
2009-12-22 5:19 am
Beef in your Taco. Pervert! No really that's rude.
2009-12-22 5:17 am
the fact that u actually consider urself a slut mean u have a sense of motality, some girls actually rip off their shirts and dance around in a bra and they call it just chilling. ummm well if u know the guy u can
2009-12-22 5:12 am
I tell. But it's not like I go around screaming it, if someone asks I tell.

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