可否幫我翻譯成英文?? Thx!!

2009-12-22 7:33 am
可否幫我翻譯成英文?? Thx!!


回答 (8)

2009-12-22 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Can you offer me a good price?
Can you offer me a good discount price?
Can you offer me a better discount price?
2009-12-26 9:56 am
Is that your best quote?
參考: 商用英語課程
2009-12-26 7:48 am
Can you give me one of the most preferential price
2009-12-24 6:47 am
Whether to give the price which I most gives preferential benefit
2009-12-22 4:09 pm
Would you like to offer me a more favorable price ?
2009-12-22 2:25 pm


2009-12-22 9:38 am
Could you quote the most reasonable price?
2009-12-22 7:42 am
We shall be much grateful if you will give us your best price.
參考: me

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