唔識用DOS 識用電腦既高手快入緊幫幫手(20分)

2009-12-21 6:05 pm
我想請教一下個DOS 點用




個CMD 係咁話我打錯野。。。 我個FILE名叫applocale path 位置係 "c:\applocale path" 不如你直接話我知打D咩野落去 THX C:\Users\user>(打D咩野好?)

回答 (2)

2009-12-28 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我諗個問題係你個路徑applocale path, 中間有空格, 所以唔可以直接引用架.
你應該用「」double quot括住佢先得!


C:\Users\user>cd "\applocale path"

C:\applocale path>applocale.msi

2009-12-28 15:12:28 補充:
sorry, 打唔到個double quot, 即係enter旁邊個按鈕,要按住shift先得!
2009-12-21 7:19 pm
1. 用系統管理者權限來執行命令提示字元 means you have to open Command Prompt window in Vista. See this link for how to run command prompt with Administrator mode http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/run-a-command-as-administrator-from-the-windows-vista-run-box/

2. After the command prompt window (DOS) open, you have to change the folder where your Applocale setup exe file stored. For example; if you saved your Applocale setup files in your user profile, try steps below.

a. before you open dos prompt windows, write down the path of the setup files where Applocale saved.

b type "cd c:\<applocale path>"

e.g. this is just an example.

cd C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\applocale

(change the folder to the root of C: drive, by default once you enter DOS prompt, you will be lead to C: drive)

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