請問: [ 今時唔同往日 ] 用英文會係點樣寫 ?

2009-12-21 3:46 pm
明報記者何素文今年 3 月去澳門可過關 !

明報記者何素文澳門回歸十週年被拒入境 !

回答 (5)

2009-12-21 7:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不需要因為中文裡有 "不同往日" 的字眼就拘泥於翻譯成 "not the same / dissimilar". 英文裡有同樣表達 "往日美好今不再"的用語

"Those were the days."
"The time is different"
"Things change with the passage of time"

2009-12-22 3:41 am
今時唔同往日 : The situation has changed.
We should use simple English. You know?
The idea behind "今時唔同往日" is actually very simple.
Usually, Chinese sentence is too complex.
In Chinese, overcomplicated sentence is used to
express very simple idea.
But in English, simple sentences are used to express
complicated ideas. So English is lovely. Isn't?

2009-12-21 19:43:34 補充:
So, English is different from Chinese. It makes no sense to
directly translate this sentence.

2009-12-21 19:47:02 補充:
今時唔同往日 : The situation has changed.
Apart from this translation, we may translate it as below:

1) The situation nowadays is totally different from that in the past.

2009-12-21 19:48:05 補充:
2) As time go on, the situation change and change.
2009-12-21 6:40 pm
be present! not the past!
Time changed, people changed
Today is not the old day.
參考: own
2009-12-21 4:41 pm
Time has changed so today is not the same as in the old days.
2009-12-21 4:22 pm
To day is not the same in former days.=[今時唔同往日]

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