本人的業主想提早收樓或加租,我看見所簽的租約內,中文是講 租客有權於滿一年後可以書面以兩個月通知退租,即最少租十四個月,而沒有提業主都可以一樣,但英文版就有提雙方都 可以,(the Landlord and the Tenant shall be entitled to terminate this tenancy earlier than as herein provided by serving not less than 2 months' written notice to other parties provided that such notice shall not expire earlier than 4-1-2010 (i.e. the Lease Term of the Premises for at least 14 months)
我不想搬,不知可否不走及不加租 , 其實加小小都無問題,不過他要加38% 加得太多,負擔不起。