How do you reduce x + 7x?

2009-12-20 1:12 pm

回答 (6)

2009-12-20 1:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
x + 7x
= 8x
2009-12-20 9:20 pm
you mean simplify?

since the x's are both raised to the first power, you can add the coefficients. in this case, the coefficients are 1 and 7. so the expression can be simplified to 8x
2009-12-21 1:45 am
x(1+7) is simplification
2009-12-20 10:55 pm
x + 7x = 8x
2009-12-20 9:37 pm
God bless you.
2009-12-20 9:17 pm

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