
2009-12-20 6:55 pm

1. A pen is sold at 10% discount and the selling price is $8.1. If it is sold at a 20% and sold it for the orginal marked .What was his profit per cent?

2. A Chinese writing pad marked at $240 is sold at discount of 5% .
(a) Fing the tatal number of writing pad.
(b) If the cost price of the writing is $150,find the profit per cent.

3. the owner of a light shop bought a crystal light for $x. He raised the marked price of the light 60% higher than the cost price.Later it was sold to a customer at a discount of 25%.
(a) Find the profit per cent made by the owner.
(b) If the customer bought the light for $3780,find value of x.
(c) If the light was sold to the customer at a discount of 35% instead, did the owner still make a profit ? Explain your answer.

cocongyt , 我吾係好明3(a) 條式可吾可以簡單少少

回答 (1)

2009-12-20 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 90% of x = $8.1
x= $8.1 / 90% = $9 (original mark price)
$9 x 20%= $1.8
Profit in %= $1.8 / $7.2 (cost) x 100 = 25%

Answer: 25%

2. a) $240 x 95%= $228
Answer: $228

b) $228-$150= $78
$78 / 150 = 52%

Answer: 52%

3. Selling Price= 160% x X(cost)= 1.6x
Sold to customer= Selling price x 75%= 1.6x x 75%= 1.2x
(a) Profit= 100% (cost) + 20% (profit)

Answer: 20%

(b) 1.2x = $3780.
x = $3150 (cost)

(c) Original selling price= 1.6x
x= $3150
1.6 x $3150= $5040

If sell at 35% discount, $5040 x 65%= $3276

Answer: The owner still earns a profit ($3276-$3150=$126) .

2009-12-20 15:58:08 補充:
Selling price = 1.2x

x= cost

So 1.2 = 120% (100%= cost, 20% = profit)
參考: myself

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