
2009-12-20 2:31 am
小弟出年一月就31歲, 想請教有冇合適途徑移民澳洲

我學歷只有ADV DIP程度, 本身已經半退休, 依加只係做兼職, 每個月主要靠老豆留俾我o既3層唐樓收租維持生活, 3層樓一共值大約HK$400萬

我同未來老婆都想去澳洲繼續維持o厘種半退休生活(佢有英國某大學HRM TOP-UP DEGREE, 做緊非公務員合約工), 但係又唔夠資格申請subclass165, 除非出年樓市比97年更痴線啦


我再想問: 申請visa 160, business定義係點樣? turnover包唔包括oversea 收入? 我去澳洲開公司, 用公司名義買樓, 再賣或者出租, 可唔可以滿足turnover呢項要求呢? 我個AdvDip係Social Work, 完全同commercial扯唔上關係. 如果我真係申請visa 160, 可唔可以讀書? 定係一定要有student visa? 我本身都有打算part time進修一D金融業相關的課程 (純為興趣)


我見另外有visa 163, 要求比較低, 但係要有州政府贊助. 要點先至可以搵到州政府贊助呢? 買地產項目hold and sell 都被歸類為property agent的嗎? (Previous owner -> My property -> New owner)


Visa 457不是要有employer sponsor先可以申請嗎? 我現時的part time 只係某銀行teller, 又唔算得上係Skilled work. 睇黎我暫時都係未夠資格, 唯有儲多幾年錢再諗.......

回答 (2)

2009-12-20 6:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Only 2 way for you and/or your wife to migrate to Australia is to work.

You have 2 choices, both of them involve fulltime work.


Choice 1

Your wife try to find a job in Australia, as a hotel employee, if she can secure the job,she can apply 457 visa and work in Australia, 2 - 4 years later,she is eligible to apply ENS migration.

This is quite straight forward, no job, no migration, so finding a job is utterly important for this choice

You can only do it if youhave an advance diploma in trade skill (like Barber, Commercial Chef and Mechanic)

Choice 2

Although you do not qualified for 165 or 160 (Both investment Visa),youcan still apply Visa 160 (Business Owner).

Visa 160 only require a person to have 200,000 AUD (~1,400,000HKD) asset to start with,open a business in Australia, run it and you will be eligible to apply permanent residence if you have 2 consecutive yearly turnover for more than $500,000AUD. (That's mean you need to beable to earn 500,000 AUD 2 years in a row) in any period of the 4 years visa duration.

Notice that turnover is not profit, that mean you can have $0 profit but still have $500,000 turnover (That's mean you can sell $500,000 of items you purchse with $500,000, which you will have 0 profit but $500,000 turnover)

This choice,simply mean you need to work off until you get 2 years of $500,000 turnover. Then you can apply for migration.

You do not satisify other migration method.

2009-12-20 20:04:30 補充:
申請visa 160, business定義係點樣?

Business is define as a place to contact actual business transcation. Either goods or services. You must berunning the business during the whole duration.

2009-12-20 20:04:48 補充:
turnover包唔包括oversea 收入?


2009-12-20 20:06:42 補充:
我去澳洲開公司, 用公司名義買樓, 再賣或者出租, 可唔可以滿足turnover呢項要求呢?

Technically no, if you open a company to buy/sell/rent real estate, you are a real estate agents, you must have approiate licenses toengage such business. So,youcannot use itto count as a turnover, otherwiseyour "Business" Will be illegal.

2009-12-20 20:09:05 補充:
Also, do remember you will need A$500,000 turnover to qualify for migration, on average, a realestate properties can carry $15,000-20,000 revenue per annum($300-400/week) That mean you need to buy about 25 properties to maintain $500,000 turn over.

2009-12-20 20:10:28 補充:
我個AdvDip係Social Work, 完全同commercial扯唔上關係. 如果我真係申請visa 160, 可唔可以讀書?

You can do part time course, you cannot do full time study cos 160 visa require full time work.

2009-12-20 20:10:55 補充:
定係一定要有student visa? 我本身都有打算part time進修一D金融業相關的課程 (純為興趣)


2009-12-22 10:35:05 補充:
我見另外有visa 163, 要求比較低, 但係要有州政府贊助. 要點先至可以搵到州政府贊助呢?

163 is very very hard to applyand very very hard to grant Permanent Residence.

2009-12-22 10:35:11 補充:
To qualified for 163, you'll need to be state approved. Statewill look at your previous business record (Which youdo not have) and they will tell you what kind of business youcould open.

2009-12-22 10:36:21 補充:
Basically, state will have a list of "Dead Business" for you to open up to. The state point ov view is to balancethe business in That state, and usually restricted youto open the state business that nobody would do. Hence the dead business.

2009-12-22 10:38:28 補充:
Unless you have A LOT of money to burn or you are somekind of business/investment genius, 163 is not recommended

2009-12-22 10:40:14 補充:
買地產項目hold and sell 都被歸類為property agent的嗎? (Previous owner -> My property -> New owner)

To answer this question question. You need to understand 2 thing.

2009-12-22 10:40:55 補充:
1.) 160 visa require an actual business take place. That mean you need to have business asset and a location to sell them. Without either of those, that is not a business

2009-12-22 10:41:55 補充:
What you saidis not a business transcation, it is a private transcation, as you sell "Your" properties, not a business properties. If you do that, youwill not be qualified for Business owner migration.

2009-12-22 10:43:03 補充:
However, if you open a business (Set up a shop) and buy and sell properties, this is a business transcation, (Cos actual running of a company involved) But then you will need a real estate license. Which you cannot have as the RE license only given to PR.

2009-12-22 10:43:30 補充:
Did i answer your question?

2009-12-22 10:44:53 補充:
Also, the person mentioned 132 visa.....

Actually,132 visa is not like what he said, i don't know which agent he worked for, but his infois WAY WAY incorrect.... (Hence you can see his agent's quality....)

2009-12-22 10:46:21 補充:
1.) 132 visa does not need you to have 1.65million Australian Dollar to startwith,132 visa only require 400,000 AUDto start, butinstead of a $500,000 turnover, you'll need 3,000,000AUD turnover.

2009-12-22 10:47:40 補充:
Also ,163/164 and 132 visa ALL require you to have a sound business background, that is,you have/had a company and have profilio BEFORE you apply for such visa

2009-12-22 10:49:02 補充:
Finally, the maximum tax ATO can charge to a person/corporate is 47% (Over 50,000AUD a year)....

2009-12-23 00:19:29 補充:
457 can lead to Permanent Resident, if you hav been doing skilled work. You can apply for 456/7 visa work in Australia then apply any of the sponsored skill migration.

The key is not 456/7 (Those are the visa to allow youworking experience in Australiatoward your ENS scheme)

2009-12-23 00:20:55 補充:
Thekey to applyskill immigration is ENS scheme.

Just as i said, youuse 457 to work in Australia for 2-4 years, once you get working experience, you can apply anyone of the Employer Nomination Scheme(ENS) visas.

2009-12-23 00:21:43 補充:
Are you really migration agent? How come you do not know that. And the stuff you did know is actually wrong....

2009-12-23 00:24:51 補充:
By the way,ENS = visa 121 (Offshore) so, what you suggested in supplementry information is actually the same as my option 1 (457 work 2-4 years -> 121/ENS Scheme,exactlythe same.....). Do you actually know what are you talking about?

2009-12-23 00:27:16 補充:
see it for yourselve.......


Under qualified visas - Business Long Stay Visa Subclass 457........

And usually you cannot apply 121 directly......Cos you need to be sponsored by an australiancompany,you would know the rest.....
參考: Australian Citizen, wife worked for Australian Immigration
2009-12-22 4:52 am
先攪清楚你係想點移民先 有投資移民 証明你有125萬澳元剩資產 另外生活費都要証明唔使靠証府1年有10萬剩資產生活費 163係for你係公司老闆公司有賺 另外有個164係for你係做開高層而非老闆 163 164你都可以申請一個or一家人去 同埋只要你選去冇咁多人偏僻d既地方 係可以用小d錢

重有個132 但132得好小人做 但我公司有做 你可以打比我97091853 or

add我msn [email protected] 我姓胡

2009-12-21 20:54:37 補充:
千其唔好申請 工作旅遊呢個 蝕錢做農夫 一小時得好小錢重要比証府抽你60%

2009-12-22 15:50:32 補充:
而家剩係睇你咁既資料 適合你既係工作移民121 兩個人分別申請 之後再轉856

457係for 你only過去打工 係冇得移民的

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