保險絲 與迴路一問

2009-12-19 11:16 pm
漏電時係由E線接地ge,咁點解會令fuse 燒呢?明明回路電力所經過的地方只有E線一條,點解會影響到接去fuse果條L線呢?咁既然fuse都斷左,咁回路的電咪唔會落地囉??

回答 (3)

2009-12-20 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
漏電時,L 線和 E 線連接了,電流就不必經過高電阻的電器用品,所以整體電阻值便會下降,電流也就忽然升高(電壓=電流x電阻;電壓不變,當電阻下降,電流便上升)。高電流經過fuse時,產生熱力,把fuse燒斷。


答:電流確是經過E線,但電流也會經過 L 線和fuse。

你問:「咁既然fuse都斷左,咁回路的電咪唔會落地囉? 」

Fuse 斷後,沒有電流可經 L 線流出,自然不會再有電流流經 E 線。
參考: 會考物理知識
2009-12-20 4:14 am
漏電時係由E線接地ge,咁點解會令fuse 燒呢?因為地線太小電阻,使電流增大,電流由於太大,使於火線的fuse燒斷
咁既然fuse都斷左,咁回路的電咪唔會落地囉?? 無錯,地線的主要原因是籍接地使fuse燒斷,斷開火線,中斷電路,避免用者觸電~~~~~~~
2009-12-20 12:47 am
During a leakage, the load will be by-passed. Current from the "live" wire will flow to the "earth" wire direct. This produces a large currentbe cause both the "live" and "earth" wires are of very low resistance. Such large current will blow the fuse instantly.

After the fuse is blown, the "live" wire is broken and no longer connected to the appliance. There would not be any current in it. This avoids the danger of electric shock.

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