Question about tires, Plz help!!?

2009-12-18 11:15 pm
I just got my two rear tires replaced by Pep Boys. The tires are Definity 700HX. I search the internet after I bought the tire and found that there are so many negative opinions/comments about this tire. Some of them even said the tires were very easily blown out. My question is, is the Definity tire that dangerous? And what should I do now? Pay another few hundreds to replace another tire though I just replaced them? I don't want the tires damage my car!
And why would there be so many pep boys around the states if they sell bad-quality tires?
Plz Help me out! I am nervous now!

Most, if not all, of the tires in PepBoys cannot be found in! Why and what does that mean!!!? Plz help!

回答 (5)

2009-12-18 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They're Coopers. They're okay. Manny and Moe's higher line tires are every bit as good as the "big" manufacturers.

Hang on to your receipt, rotate them when you're supposed to and keep the pressure where it's supposed to be. You should be just fine.

Tirerack is not going to be selling Pep Boys' proprietary tires.
2009-12-18 11:19 pm
Read your warranty and cross your fingers.
2016-10-06 12:39 am
it must be through many stuff, maximum obvious as others have pronounced could be anemia. possibly you have sleep apnea or another sleep situation. be sure you bypass see your surgeon.
2009-12-19 12:16 am
I worked part time for Pep Boys for about three years. Pep Boys have their own brand tires manufactured by different tire manufacturing companies and Difinity is one of them. There are several types Difinity tires. One other I remembered was the Futura.
In my opinion most tires in the market are reasonably reliable. I had Pep Boys tires and they lasted past their warranty period. Of course no tire will last if not taken care of properly or abused. Keep the tire properly balanced, make sure your front end is properly aligned, shocks in good shape, properly inflated and rotation every 6K miles.
2009-12-18 11:30 pm
If you've checked reviews on any product online you notice that the angry people are the ones that write in. Pepboys Definity tires are made by Cooper. They're ok tires for the money. I've had three sets of them over the years. Yes, I've had some problems with them. But Pepboys has always replaced them and actually been pretty good about the adjustment. I've also bought expensive tires and had issues with them too. In fact, I'd buy Pepboys tires before I'd buy B.F. Goodrich again. So you got what you paid for. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just keep your receipts and if you have problems with them, take 'em back to Pepboys for replacement.

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