
2009-12-19 5:34 am


回答 (7)

2009-12-19 7:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
擴充業務 business expansion
做出兩難決擇 to make a tough decision
祖業 family/ancestral estate
保持兩方面的平衡 to strik a balance between both sides
守護自己的將來 to secure one's future
站在你背後支持你 to stand by you / to support you / to back you
精神上的滿足 spiritual fulfillment
誕生 birth
潮流 popular trend
作為第三者覲看這事情 take a step back and(to) see this... / view(ed) as a bystander (旁觀者)
長遠些想 view as a long-term prospect / consider for the long-term(future)

2009-12-20 12:44 am
operation expansion
to make make a decision for a dilemma
family business
to make a balance for both sides
to guard my future
to back you up
spiritual satisfication
From the view of a 3rd party
In long-term
2009-12-19 12:51 pm
Expand the business.
Get into a dilemma.
Career that is inherited from the previous generations.
Maintain the balance between both parties.
To perserve my own future.
Stand behind to support you.
Mentally satisfaction.
Give Birth to/Born.
View the matter from a third-party’s position.
Think about the matters more thoroughly in a long-term manner.
2009-12-19 9:27 am
Please see below,

擴充業務 - Business expansion
做出兩難決擇 - Making a choice from 2 difficult options
祖業 - Ancestral
保持兩方面的平衡 - Balancing both sides (or ends)
守護自己的將來 - Protecting my own future
站在你背後支持你 - Standing on your side (it already means supporting you)
精神上的滿足 - Spiritual satisfaction
誕生 - Birth
潮流 - Trend
作為第三者覲看這事情 - A third pary view of this case
長遠些想 - Long term consideration

Francis from Canada
2009-12-19 6:48 am
擴充業務 to expand (your) business
做出兩難決擇 to make a hard decision
祖業 a family-owned/ family-inherited (繼承) property
保持兩方面的平衡 to strike a balance between two things/ factors
守護自己的將來 to safeguard your future
站在你背後支持你 to be behind you/ back you up
精神上的滿足 spiritual satisfaction
誕生 to be born/ come into existence (birth = n)
潮流 fashion/ trend
作為第三者覲看這事情 to look at this matter from a third-person point of view
長遠些想 to think in a more far-sighted way/ manner


6 steps to safeguard your family's future


5. supporting a person, idea etc:

The workers are very much behind these proposals.

I suppose I'm lucky because my parents were behind me all the way.


So What
When you are being wound up or drawn into a discussion, take the objective third position. Stand back and look down on the situation. Take time to understand both yourself and the other person.

peace is always beautiful

2009-12-19 01:02:54 補充:
做出兩難決擇 (另一個譯法) to make a difficult/ tough choice
2009-12-19 6:08 am
擴充業務~Expansion service
做出兩難決擇~Makes is in a dilemma the decision
祖業~the ancestral legacy of property
保持兩方面的平衡~will maintain two aspects balanced
守護自己的將來~protects their future
站在你背後支持你~to stand behind you supports in your
精神上的滿足~spirits to satisfy
誕生~is born
潮流~tidal current
作為第三者覲看這事情~jin to watch this matter as the third party

2009-12-18 22:11:57 補充:
長遠些想~Long-term thought
參考: me囧
2009-12-19 5:59 am
擴充業務: Expansion service
做出兩難決擇: Makes is in a dilemma the decision
祖業: Ancestral legacy of property
保持兩方面的平衡: Maintains two aspects balanced
守護自己的將來: Will protect own future
站在你背後支持你: Stands supports you behind you
精神上的滿足: In spiritual satisfying
誕生: Birth
潮流: Tidal current
作為第三者覲看這事情: jin watches this matter as the third party
長遠些想: Long-term thought
參考: ME

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