
2009-12-18 4:59 pm

Everyone of us who "watch" this video clip is blessed.

請問是 watch
還是 watches呢

這兩句句子對不對呢  意思一樣嗎 感謝喔~
He makes me feel warm.
He makes me warm

回答 (2)

2009-12-18 5:48 pm
Hi, 楊妞: Are you sure about "watches" in the first sentence?
2009-12-18 5:12 pm

1. You are right, it should be ' watches'
2. He makes me feel warm.他讓我覺得溫暖, 指的是精神上的溫馨
3. He makes me warm. 他幫我取暖,指的是身體的溫暖

2009-12-19 23:11:36 補充:
Sorry, you are right. It should be "watch", not "watches". Because who is for us, not for everyone. Thanks for your correction.

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