girls, i really need your advice here... what do i do? am i doing the right thing to send these flowers?

2009-12-18 3:36 am
Ok, so there is this girl. im a freshman in college and we met at the beginning of the year. we were together for a month but then i kind of messed up with the way i acted around her. however, she we both had feelings for each other we stopped hooking up. i would sleep in her room but then that ended. we were never just friends.

two weeks ago i sent her a fb message explaining my feelings for her and how much i want to be with her. after realizing that i sounded desperate, i decided to tell her to forget everything in it. we had a fb chat conversation and the outcome was that we were not going to talk for the rest of the semester (her doing). this is were it's confusing. this friday night i get a text from her saying " why did you do that to me? I really need to talk to you please" she was drunk when she was doing this, so i decided to go and talk to her face-to-face. before this i texted her "why does it matter what i think of you anymore anyway?" she said " anymore? when did anything change?! I dont get it. you never listened to what i had to say anyway" so i went and talked to her in person. i asked her what she exactly wanted from me. she said that she still had feelings for me. then the topic of me having sex with a girl the previous weekend came up. how did she find out? i have no idea. anyway, i said i was really drunk ( which i was and i regretted it) so, i told her to come to my room. when i got in there, i locked the door and put her up against the wall and started to kiss her. she then told me this " i want you to know this. you are the last thing i think about every night before sleeping and I really like you a lot." i was shocked. she spent the night with me but we didnt have sex because i dont see her as an object. in the morning she was kissing me and stuff, but before she left she told me that we cant be together because it would not work out.

now i am at home in a state that is 900 miles away from her and wont see her in a month. i miss her and i want her. is there hope? what do i do? some one help! ok, so yesterday we talked twice on the phone. the first time for 1 hr and then next time for 2 hrs. i know she likes me. so ima send her flowers for christmas. good move??

these are the ones i've ordered..

回答 (4)

2009-12-18 3:57 am
aww. that's so sweet.
i'm sure she'll appreciate and love it.
good move. [:
it show that you think/care about her.
2009-12-18 3:55 am
WOW this really sounds like some soap opera. For starters the flowers are a great idea! It's not only sweet but its really nice for x-mas. You seem to be in a complicated relationship, obviously, but i think the flowers will do no harm. To be honest I'm not sure why she said you can't be together. There's mutual attraction and you respect her. I think you need to make it clear your not going to mess up like you did the first time. Let her know you learned from your mistakes and tell her you respect her too. I think you two could be together again just try and stay communicating. It seems there were a lot of misunderstandings in your story. Oh, it's a really great sign that you two are still talking even being separated! Good luck. I hope i helped!
參考: My uncommon sense :D
2009-12-18 3:53 am
never go wrong with flowers!
2009-12-18 3:50 am
YESSSS send her flowers!

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