fall on the ground ??

2009-12-18 2:11 am
He did not know that the ground was getting wet.
He did not pay attention to Mind Your Step sign.

我想問第二句 為什麼用 pay..還有 to Mind Your Step sign 放在後面有錯嗎?
Why did he fall on the ground at the MTR station?

回答 (3)

2009-12-22 3:03 am
Why did he fall on the ground at the MTR station?
It was because he did not know that the ground was getting wet,he did not pay attention to( Mind Your Step )sign.
2009-12-18 8:52 pm


2009-12-18 2:43 am
1. pay attention to (注意到; 留意到).... 是一個片語phrase, 意思是 " 注意; 留意" , 動詞用 pay (付出)是一個慣用法, 因為用到了名詞attention (注意), 所以要用到動詞, 值得一提的是, pay attention to 當中的 " to " 是一個介係詞(prepositon), 後面常常會接一個名詞(noun), 而Mind Your Step sign(注意你的腳步標示牌)就是一個名詞, 所以放在句子的後面並沒有錯. 如果感覺研究文法很煩, 那以後就記得直接使用 pay attention to, 表達 " 注意到..." 就好啦. 會使用才是最重要, 不是嗎?

2. Why did he fall on the ground at the MTR station?

He did not know that the ground was getting wet becaue he did not pay attention to Mind Your Step sign.

用到 because (因為) 來表達前後的因果關係. 因為沒有注意到, 所以才會不知道. 結果就摔倒在地面上.

希望這樣的回答可以解決你的疑惑 . Practice makes perfect. 加油.

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