At the top of the container is

2009-12-17 6:17 pm
Hi, I have just read the sentence below and found it somehow problematic

At the top of the container is a lever and attacehd to the lever there is a thin, extended pin.

My questions are:

1) [At the top of the container] is a prepositonal cl. used as an adverb in the sentence, so why [At the top of the container] is followed by [is] and functions like a subject? Is it grammatically correct?

2) [Attached to the lever] seems to be used as the subject following by [is a thin, extended pin], is it possible? It sounds weird to me.


倒裝文法?? is it called [inversion]??

回答 (2)

2009-12-17 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. At the top of the container is a lever 其實即係 There is a lever at the top of the container.

2. attached to the lever there is a thin, extended pin 即係 there is a thin, extended pin attached to the lever.

這兩句都是用倒裝文法,然後再用連接詞 (conjunction) and 把兩句連起來。
2009-12-17 10:41 pm


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