will a no carb diet help me to lose weight?

2009-12-17 6:54 am
i am on a no carb diet. all i eat is fruit, veggies, meat and dairy. i am wondering if a similar diet has worked for anyone else out there.

回答 (32)

2009-12-17 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fruit has carbs. Veggies do, too. Meat has very trace amounts, and dairy has carbs, too.

If you want to include fruit in your diet, stick with berries and melon. But for right now, forget about grapes, apples, oranges, etc.

Veggies: No corn or peas. Stick to the ones with the highest dietary fiber. Spinach, broccoli, and green beans for example.

Meat: Best bet for low carb diets. Just watch organ meats (like liver) and lunch meat from deli counters (nitrates and sugar added), these can cause stalls of weight loss.

Dairy: Even if the package says less than 1 carb in say, a slice of cheese, count it as a carb. The Nutrition guidelines let the manufacturers round down. Say the cheese is 0.9 carbs....the mfr. can put "0" on the label even though it's almost 1 carb.

I'd say you want to go LOW, but not NO, because you do need some carbs to function. Stay away from all whites...white bread (which is no better than cake), sugar, potatoes, pasta, etc.

If you MUST have pasta, go with a whole grain and strictly limit your portion.

Come off fruit for the first week and measure your veggies to no more than about 2 cups daily. For breakfast, go with bacon and eggs (check the bacon for nitrates), ham and eggs (check the ham to make sure there's no sugar), sausage and eggs (same goes for sausage,) etc.

If you're gonna have crab legs, you can drown them in butter, but skip cocktail sauce because that has sugar in it.

I have done beautifully with low carb. I have a medical condition (insulin resistance) that if I *don't* eat this way, I'll look like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade balloon, lol. Atkins is rough but works. South Beach gives you many options and is overall healthier but it's hard to follow at first. I wouldn't suggest the Hellers' Carbohydrate Addicts diet because I think their reward meals set off carb cravings...but I do suggest you read Atkins books and maybe the South Beach one to see what might work for you.

You're on the right track but remember that even the natural sugar in fruit is still sugar.
參考: How I've eaten since 2003. Let me give you a great site for meal ideas too. This thing is my bible: http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/index.html I use her "mock potato soup" as a base (it's cauliflower and I swear to God you won't know it's cauliflower) and I add celery and canned clams to make it white clam chowder. You can find a lot of ideas on this site and I hope you find the site as valuable as I have.
2009-12-19 5:58 pm
I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.

1. If what you are eating has less than 1 carb, count it as 1 carb just to be sure.

2. Totally avoid caffine at least for the first two weeks on the program.

3. Drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of plain water or seltzer daily.

4. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week

5. Take starting measurements as well as weight - sometimes you'll lose inches before pounds

6. Avoid any type of "low carb" sweetener for the first two weeks

7. Don't compare your loss to someone else's - this is a YMMV thing (your milage may vary)

8. Stalls are common around the third week so don't panic

9. If you follow your plan to the T and don't lose, consider Candida as a possibility and avoid vinegar, cheese, mushrooms and any other fermented food

10. Have bloodwork done before starting so you have a comparison

11. Cholesterol can be elevated in the first few weeks til your body adjusts - make sure your doctor knows that you're doing low carb and when you started

12. Don't blame the diet if you don't read your plan book -- blame the diet if you don't read the labels -- Don't blame the diet if you don't follow the diet
2009-12-19 8:55 pm
Lose Weight Fast
In this article we are going to show you some sensible PROVEN Ways to lose weight fast.

1. Drink water

2. Eat regularly

3. Eat lots of fibre

4. Consume more good fats

5. Get plenty of quality protein

6. Carbohydrates can help you lose weight

- Healthy life every day!
2009-12-17 4:07 pm
This is low carb, not no carb. It sounds as if you've eliminated grains, which is absolutely fine. In fact, it's an excellent way to eat. We did not evolve eating grains. Anyway, add some healthy fats to that diet. Raw almonds and walnuts are very good sources. The fats in the food will provide energy that a lesser carb diet requires.

Don't forget the exercise part of the equation either.
2016-04-27 12:33 pm
There are three main ways to lose weight quickly.

1) Use only water as liquid and eliminate all other liquid drinks from your diet. You must drink as much water as possible every day. You must drink about half of your weight. If you have weight of 200 pounds then you must drink about 100 oz of water.

2) The interval between the eating is very important. If you eat once, then you must eat next after 4 hours. You must take breakfast regularly. In the night eat your food three hours before going to bed.

3) Walking is very good. You must walk as much as you can. Walk everywhere you can. Use of elevators and escalators must be reduced and instead of these you must climb stairs more often.

These are some of the fastest ways to lose weight. By just following the simple steps, you can lose your weight very quickly. You must consult your doctor if want to change your diet or exercise routine.

2016-04-26 5:47 pm
參考: Raspberry Ketone Free Bottle : http://RaspberryKetone.oruty.com/?YGpV
2016-04-05 12:14 pm
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/axU8r

No. If you add carbs, they should be the whole food variety, like oats, whole wheat, brown rice, millet, amaranth, barley, rye, all legumes. Make sure when you add these in that you add them in slowly, like one meal a day, have one serving, and then add more in over a coule of weeks. If you add them in all at once, you will have major contipation, gas, bloating and weight gain. You will adjust but it will not be so comfortable if you do it too quickly, so listen to your body. I lost 40 lbs doing low carb and then adding back in my whole grains, beans, etc slowly and I lost even more after that, so if you do it right, then you'll be fine. The nice thing about adding in your grains slowly is you could have symptoms of being allergic to one of these grains, like corn, or wheat, which are the two most common grains to be allergic to. Low carb diets are not meant to do long term and I feel they should only be done if you have a lot of weight to lose or if you have other problems like yeast overgrowth, high blood pressure, diabetic problems, etc. My doctor put me on a low carb diet that was only chicken, fish, turkey, nuts, all veggies except potatoes and then after two weeks I'd add in fruits, two weeks later add in legumes, peanuts, soy, two weeks later add in one grain per week. It acted as a cleanse. I didnt do dairy at all and have not added it back in. I'd done the South Beach diet before and lost weight but didn't feel a whole lot better because he still had you eat pork, beef, lamb and dairy and to me, those things are hard on your body all the time.
2014-09-22 11:59 am
Just to clarify, no carbs at all can be harmful. your brain needs a certain amount of carbs to function properly, I think it's about 80-120 grams but do look further into that just to be sure if trying such a diet out. In genral, meat, eggs, vegetables and various fat sources such as oils and butter are the best sources to avoid carbs. Veggies will have a little carbs though. Berries are great too. Seeds and nuts are usually good. Some more info here http://healthwolf.com/diet/no-carb-diet/ and at bottom they have articles on how to make carb free bread and also pasta meals. But don't go no carb, go low carb, is my advice.
2009-12-18 1:25 pm
Actually fruits are have lots of carbs. I guess your diet is not that much professional :(

Here's a table for fruits and how much carbs are in them.

Apricot 9
Quince 8
Cherry-plum 6.5
Pineapple 11.5
Orange 8
Banana 21
Pomegranate 11
Grapefruit 6.5
Pear 9.5
Fig 11
Kiwi 10
Cornelian cherry 9
Lemon 3
Mandarin 8
Peach 9.5
Nectarine 13
Ashberry 8.5
Black ashberry 11
Plum 9.5
Date 68
Persimmon 13
Apple 9.5
Sultana 66
Dried apricots 55
Prunes 58
Dried pears 49
Dried apples 45
2009-12-17 10:44 am
Nope. Good Luck though. I am on a No Carb Diet, Forcefully. I have 30 Pages of Food Allergies, and can't eat anything made with Flour, Dairy, Eggs, and 25 other pages worth of food, and I haven't lost a pound. I hope it works for you, but I'm starving.

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