我想問AL 點計分入大學嫁?

2009-12-17 3:16 am
我想問AL 點計分入大學嫁?讀2個2AL係咪好少?會唔會淢少入大學的機會???

回答 (2)

2009-12-19 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
A=5. B=4, .... E=1. F/U=0
2Xhightest marksAL= ?
2X ASX (0.5or 0.6)=??
?+??= total

but some U calculate 3AL , therefore need to calculate 3 AL
so,me U calculate 0.5 and some as 0.6 for AS level , include chinese and english of course.

If you want to study chin, eng, or bingligal, translate.... those language degeree, chin and english will count as X1, not 0.5/0.6 anymore.
therefore if you think that your languange is better, you may choose those degree to increase your chance to study in U
2009-12-17 5:56 am

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