
2009-12-16 5:43 pm
1.There are many pigs on that farm.
2.There are many pigs in this farm.
3.There are many pigs at those farm


回答 (3)

2009-12-16 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案

以上三句的分別在於 “this / that / those”的使用,以及配合“farm” 的介詞選擇(preposition, 如on, in, at)。

首先,關於“this / that / those”,如想說一個農場,可用 “this / that”,當中的 “that”為遠稱,指在較遠處的一個農場;而 “those” 也是遠稱,但為複數形,應配合 “farms”. 因此,第三句不正確,另第三句亦欠標點符號。

至於 “on/in/at (a farm)”,三種寫法也有人用,若在非正式的場合,又或意在泛指「在一個農場」,三種寫法也可接受。由於已撇除第三句,餘下只有第一句及第二句。如題目沒有提供圖片,兩句也可接受。在此情況,如要選擇一句,可選第一句 “There are many pigs on that farm.” 因為“in” 較適用於形容農場中的某一地點,如 “in a farm market”和“in a farm pond”。

參考: 個人意見及網上資源
2009-12-16 7:10 pm


Old MacDonald had a farm, eee-yi-eee-yi-oh
And [ON] this farm he had a cow, eee-yi-eee-yi-oh
With a moo moo here and a moo moo there
Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo
Old Mac Donald had a farm, eee-yi-eee-yi-oh

你可進入網頁聽吓首歌點唱 :D

2009-12-16 6:02 pm
Hi, i just try my best to answer it.

I would say no.1 is the correct one as the word [farm] should be used with preposition [on].

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