急! about agreement! gramma

2009-12-16 6:31 am

1)She is one of the cleverest girls that have graduated from the college.

2)She is one of the cleverest girls that has graduated from the college.

當有relative clauses 果陣個verb 跟plural 定 signular?

回答 (6)

2009-12-16 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)She is one of the cleverest girls that have graduated from the college.
關鍵在 how many girls have graduated from the college? The answer is "more than one". Obviously, "that" refers to "the cleverest girls", so the verb needs to be plural, i.e. "have".

至於 She is the only one of my friends that has joined the police force . 同樣關鍵在 how many friends have joined the police force? The answer is "only one". In this case "that" refers to "the only one", so the verb needs to be single, i.e. "has".
不過,其實這句結構上有點不清楚,應改為: She is the only one of my friends to join the police force.

2009-12-16 10:01:40 補充:
correction: line 3 should read " 關鍵在 how many cleverest girls have graduated from the college?"
參考: myself
2009-12-23 5:24 am
其實兩句都啱, depends on 你想講也
2009-12-17 11:47 pm


2009-12-16 8:56 am
002 is correct. However, your examples are not.

I am a person whom has money.
whom refers to person, so it is (has), not (have).

She has three sisters whom are dancers.
whom refers to three sisters, so it is (are), not is.

The "whom" should be "who" since they are subjective pronouns.
e.g. I am a person who have money.
e.g. She has three sisters who are dancers.
2009-12-16 7:55 am
No.2 is correct.
(that) refers to (cleverest girls), but there is a trap in these sentences - it is (one of). In the sentence above (that) refers to (one of the cleverest girls). That is why it is singular, not plural.

More examples:
I am a person whom has money.
whom refers to person, so it is (has), not (have).

She has three sisters whom are dancers.
whom refers to three sisters, so it is (are), not is.

Under the same concept,
She is the only one of my friends that has joined the police force .
(that) refers to (one of my friends). That is why it is singular.

2009-12-17 01:02:25 補充:

You are right. Thank you for pointing it out.
2009-12-16 6:59 am
第一句正確。第二句不對是因為 that has graduated from the college 是形容前面的 girls,所以要 plural。

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