中文翻譯英文 (20點) 超急 (24小時)

2009-12-16 5:56 am






回答 (2)

2009-12-16 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In this lesson, we appreciate the importance of food packaging. In addition to selling food to attract guests, but also an increase in appetite.
Their services are commendable. General restaurant at most will take the initiative to help guests make tea, but nature has active prey come and help us some tea. We understand that, in addition to satisfy requirements, but also beyond their expectations.
In addition, the waiter will also take the initiative and we communicate, share with us her children learning experiences so as to encourage we work hard to read.
Wait for the bladewing time has passed, and there is no waiting time for the guests and purchase new block, lean on the rest
The attendant lack of awareness of food, such as asking if she's prepared in many different kinds of sushi, but she was only lightly used bean and cabbage, what the details are not known.
參考: me a
2009-12-16 5:57 am
From this's schoolwork, we understand food packing importance. Food appearance except may attract the visitor to patronize, may increase the appetite.

As soon as their service is also worth approving. The dining room generally will be most only the driving gang visitor to make tea, but the nature rope food will be actually initiative helps us to pour tea. Makes us to understand that except must satisfy visitor's request, must surmount their expectation.

Moreover, the service person also on own initiative exchanges with us, shares her children's study experience with us, thus encourages us to study diligently.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 22:10:22
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