十萬火急~ 翻譯為英文~ 高手請進

2009-12-16 12:19 am




十萬火急~ 萬分感謝~ (不要翻譯網的答案)

回答 (5)

2009-12-16 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
English taboo:
1. You cannot jump the queue: It is a very rude behaviour to jump the queue in
England as the English will queue up for everything, no matter it is to take a bus or a train, to buy tickets or newspaper. They all queue up one by one.

2. You cannot ask a woman her age: The English repect personal freedom. They
therefore do not want to answer questions such as the salary of a man, the age of a woman, and even the price of a thing they wore on.

3. You cannot beat a bargain: Shopping in England, you must avoid from
bargaining as the English consider bargaining as a very embarassing thing. They
will buy a commodity once the price is appropriate and go away when it is not.
There is no bargaining in England.

4. Washroom and No.100: The English will not mention the word "washroom" direct. Even if they have such a need, they will not say ' I go to the washroom", but instead they will say ' I will go to the man's room', 'I will go to the lady's room' or 'I want to
wash my hands'. When they are among family members or friends, they will use
'No.100' to replace 'washroom'

2009-12-16 11:59:16 補充:
lolokfai97 copy exactly other's answer. It is a shame of him!

2009-12-17 09:08:03 補充:
the copier is 005
參考: me--try not do word to word translation.
2009-12-16 5:21 am
English taboo:
1. You cannot jump the queue: It is a very rude behaviour to jump the queue in
England as the English will queue up for everything, no matter it is to take a bus or a train, to buy tickets or newspaper. They all queue up one by one.

2. You cannot ask a woman her age: The English repect personal freedom. They
therefore do not want to answer questions such as the salary of a man, the age of a woman, and even the price of a thing they wore on.

3. You cannot beat a bargain: Shopping in England, you must avoid from
bargaining as the English consider bargaining as a very embarassing thing. They
will buy a commodity once the price is appropriate and go away when it is not.
There is no bargaining in England.

4. Washroom and No.100: The English will not mention the word "washroom" direct. Even if they have such a need, they will not say ' I go to the washroom", but instead they will say ' I will go to the man's room', 'I will go to the lady's room' or 'I want to
wash my hands'. When they are among family members or friends, they will use
'No.100' to replace 'washroom
參考: myself
2009-12-16 4:58 am


2009-12-16 3:55 am
British taboo: ● can not jump the queue: queue-jumping is the same as in the UK is very rude behavior, the British emphasis on line, whether it is the bus, train, ticket, or buy a newspaper, etc. They will be very well-behaved queue one by one.● You can not ask a lady her age: the British have great respect for individual freedom, so a man's wages and women's age, or even something to him how much money and so on, are the British do not like problems. ● can not bargain: In the United Kingdom's most taboo is bargain shopping, the British think that bargain is a very shameful pieces of things, they feel that the price of goods will be buying the appropriate, inappropriate not to buy, there is no bargaining behavior.● toilet and 100: the British will not be directly referred to the toilet two words, when the Xiangshangcesuo are not directly say "I went to the toilet," they would say "to a man's room", "to the woman's room "or" I want to wash their hands, "etc., his family and friends is usually a" 100 "as the code.
參考: monday(me)
2009-12-16 12:32 am
English taboo:
* Cannot join a production team: Joins a production team in England is politeness behavior, the English pays great attention to the line equally extremely, regardless of is rides the public vehicle, the train, buys the ticket or buys the newspaper to wait for them to be able to defend the custom very much the one by one line.
* Cannot ask woman's age: The English respects the individual freedom very much, therefore man's wages and woman's age, even is on his body some type thing how much money and so on, all is the question which the English does not like meeting.
* Cannot offer a very low price: Most abstains from in the English shopping is offers a very low price, the English thought offers a very low price is the matter which loses face very much, they thought the commodity price suitable can buy, is inappropriate buys, has not bargained back and forth behavior.
* Washroom and 100: The English cannot mention directly the restroom two characters, want to go to bathroom time cannot say directly “I go to the restroom”, they can say “goes to man's room”, “goes to woman's room” or “I wants to wash the hands” and so on, between the family members and the friend usually take “100” as the code number.

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