restaurant city 的 FOOD QUIZ

2009-12-15 5:44 pm

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2009-12-19 4:51 am
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Q: Does not contain milk?
A: Espresso

Q: Truffles are a
A: Fungi

Q: Burritos
A: Mexican

Q: Marzipan is made of:
A: Almond

Q: Which is not a type of noodle?
A: Miso

Q: What is the basic ingredient in Mayonaise?
A: Milk

Q: Kobe beef originates from which country?
A: Japan

Q: What is steak tatare made of?
A: finely chopped or ground raw beef or horse meat

Q: What is hors' dourves French for?
A: Appetizers

Q: Which of these is traditionally found in pesto?
A: Basil

Q: Traditional Soy Sauce is...
A: Salty.

Q: What gives the traditional salsa verde green color:
A: parsley

Q: how many gourmet point we will get if our dish get to level 10?
A: 2.8

Q: which of the following is in a bearnaise sauce?
A: tarragon

Q: What fruit is this? (red peel, white in the middle with black seeds)
A: Dragonfruit

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