Info on Shangri La Taipei?

2009-12-15 2:38 am
I will be visiting the Shangri La Taipei this weekend, and i would like to have some information before visiting.
1. Is it far from the MRT stations?
2.Does it provide complimentary bottled water?
3.About How much does it cost for an adult buffet breakfast?
Thank You

回答 (2)

2009-12-15 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is about a couple blocks west-northwest from the Liu Zhang Li Station. The station is located on He Ping Rd section 3, near the intersection and that circle thing of Ji Long Rd Section 2. The hotel website doesnt say anything about bottle water, but you will find some there. Bottle water is pretty inexpensive in Taiwan, so dont worry. Buffet breakfast is only available at the Cafe at Far Eastern and its probably going to cost at least several hundred NT because its kind of an upscale restaurant.

If you want to get to the MRT station from the hotel, go out the hotel lobby and turn left (go south on the main road it is on) to He Ping (和平) Rd and turn left. Keep on going east, past a circle road thing. You should see the sign for the MRT station (usually will have the MRT logo on it)
2009-12-15 2:10 pm
1. It is located close by the Liuzhangli MRT station
2. I can't imagine a Shangri-la Hotel not providing in room, at least a couple of bottles of complimentary H2O.
3. Probably not cheap!
You say you're visiting, but don't indicate if you're staying.
Your reservation may include breakfast if you are

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