What does a cancer dislike about a scorpio? and scorpio about cancer?

2009-12-14 2:17 pm
Male cancer female scorpio or whatever. What do they not like about each other? there has to be something.

回答 (13)

2009-12-14 3:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cancer: Mind games and intentional wounding of Scorpio
Scorpio: Changeable and dependent nature of Cancer
2009-12-14 4:48 pm
My best friend is a cancer, and even though I love her and think she's one of the most amazing people I've ever met, there are things about her that annoy me, and I know the feeling is mutual sometimes.

Cancer (My friend) can sometimes get into these moods and shaking her out of them is impossible. She tends to feel sorry for herself, and she can be quite self-absorbed sometimes.

On the flip side , I (Scorpio) can be too brusque and not very sympathetic. When she gets into one of her moods I don't really talk her out of it, I just ignore her until she gets over it. She hates this. I also have quite a cutting sense of humor which hurts her feelings sometimes.
2009-12-14 3:01 pm
I know a cancer who is extremely negative and has no self-esteem at all. That I do not like. I view it as a serious weakness and flaw in character. Anyone who tells me it can't be done or I can't do something is either a) going to get their teeth smashed out or b) proven wrong.
參考: Scorpio
2009-12-14 3:00 pm
Scorpio will not like Cancer's clingy ways. Also, they are a bit myopic (don't always see the big picture), and are selfish conversationalists.

Cancer may find Scorpio to be a little too direct at times. But other than that, they won't have any complaints.
2009-12-14 3:00 pm
@stiffler, whats wrong with you? you keep bashing cancers! the cancer i know is actually VERY tough, buff and hot. you need to hop off!

to answer your question bekah, from what i've heard, cancer's and scorpio's are perfectly comaptible, and make a GREAT couple!
參考: im a scorpio my self:]
2009-12-16 6:50 am
I agree with the clingy thing but i deal with it, my friendis a cancer and we don't have any problems really. We are alike in some ways different in others, but she can be a bit clingy and nosey, but i deal with it, it's no real bother. I think as far as what she'd dislike about me is that i can be aggressive, overbearing, cold, distant at times and she hates when I'm angry at her or when i yell. I do not yell at her, she just does not like me to yell or get upset in general. I have had relationships of all kinda with many different signs and i can honestly say that some of the qualities that cancers have, other signs need to learn. For example they are very caring, compassionate and have a good heart. They are loyal which is FIRST AND FORMOST and of UTMOST importance to me. Scorpio and cancer go together and are more compatable than alomst any other signs, other than virgo, pieceas and taurus. The other signs friend or otherwise usually don't get far with me. Airsigns are definately a no go! I run the other way, they are all shallow, which i also hate....Ima scorpio.....
參考: experiece, friend, cousin
2009-12-18 3:54 am
I LOVE scorpios... the ONLY thing i dont always like, is that they can be a bit harsh and dominating sometimes... otherwise we get along great
參考: Im a cancer, cancer rising
2016-08-08 7:06 pm
As a SCORPIO, I hate it when CANCER doesn't reveal their intentions of how much they care about us (scorpio). I am committed person, so I expect same commitment from cancer. I don't blame them either for not making any commitment but they shouldn't mess with SCORPIO as well.
2009-12-14 2:26 pm
Cancer Man & Scorpio Woman
Similar traits and characteristics form the foundation of this relationship, which gets stronger and stronger as each day passes. Cancer man and Scorpio woman would have a perfect match, where both complement each other beautifully. The needs of both of them would be satisfied mutually. A Cancerian male would shower love, care, affection and, most importantly security, on the Scorpio female. She would reciprocate by understanding him completely. They form a perfect couple and would have an ever-lasting love relationship.

^^ Guess not....
2016-10-21 11:28 pm
Scorpio About

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