✔ 最佳答案
1. 貼麥頭注意事項,下列何者為是.
(2) 貼正在外箱右邊
(3) 四週牢牢貼緊
, 不可翹起
( 4) 以上皆是
1. Which one is true about
important notice regarding pasting shipping marks in the following statement.
(1) check the material number with Cargo Readiness
whether the quantities fit with it
(2) paste
straight to the right side of the box
(3) keep
the statement firmly around the cartons, don’t be raised
(4) All
of the above
2. 出貨併包
D/C 注意事項為何 ?
(1) 舊
D/ C 先出
(2) 新
D/ C 先出
(3) 不用管
D/C , 數量對即可
2. What is the notice of D/C in shipping with the package?
(1) old D/C, first-out(2) new D/C, first-out(3)the correct quantities can be done without managing D/C
3. 下列何者不需包鋁箔袋?
( 4)化銀板
3. Which of the following without packing Aluminium Foil Bag?
(1) general spray Sik board(2) four-layer of silver plate(3) four-layer of gold plate(4) silver plate
4. 備貨注意事項,下列何者為否.
(1) 不需注意乾燥劑是否變粉紅色
(2) 要注意紙箱是否是平鎮廠紙箱
(3) 要注意是否放木漿板
4. Which
one of the following is incorrect about the notice of Cargo Readiness
(1) neglect
of dryer whether the color would pinking
(2) notice the cartons if those were Ping-Jen cartons
(3) pay attention to whether wood
pulp board should be set