F.1 easy百分數 十萬火急 (20點)

2009-12-13 5:35 pm
請回答以下全部問題(3-10) ,並 寫出步驟 。


http://us.f6.yahoofs.com/hkblog/hKnSNEOTEhTmzW5kfdFj__DOT__w--_1/blog/20091212082900253.jpg?ib_____DcG_dqk_2 ↖圖片網址

回答 (1)

2009-12-13 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(3) Discount percent
= (1500 - 1250)/1500 * 100%
= 250/1500 * 100%
= 16.67%
(4) Discount = $28 * 30% = $8.4
Selling price = $28 - $8.4 = $19.6
(5) Marked price = $176 / (1 - 12%)
= $176 / 0.88
= $200
(6) (a) Marked price = $25.5 / (1 - 15%)
= $25.5 / 0.85
= $30
(b) Catherine saves $30 - $25.5 = $4.5
(7)(a) Marked price = $9900 / 18%
= $55000
Selling price = $55000 - $9900
= $45100
(b) Total discount = $9900 + $1100 = $11000
Discount percent = $11000/$50000 * 100%
= 20%
(8) New marked price = $700 * (1 + 20%)
= $700 * 1.2
= $840
Selling price = $840 * (1 - 15%)
= $840 * 0.85
= $714
(9) Selling price at shop A = $400 * (1 - 25%)
= $400 * 0.75
= $300
Selling price at shop B = $380 * (1 - 20%)
= $380 * 0.8
= $304
Shop A is cheaper than shop B by 304 - 300 = $4
(10) Selling price for the sweater = $300 * (1 - 20%)
= $300 * 0.8
= $240
Selling price for the dress = $400 * (1 - 30%)
= $400 * 0.7
= $280
She should pay $240 + $280 = $520

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