Present perfect continuous

2009-12-13 5:32 pm
Dear Everybody,

I've just come across a question about the usage of present perfect continuous tense, the statement below shows:

Last year represented my school at badminton and I HAVE PLAYED in football teams since I was eleven

I'm wondering why present perfect continuous tense (ie. have been playing) can't be used to substitute for present perfect tense

Is the usage of present perfect continuous tense and present perfect tense similar?


回答 (3)

2009-12-14 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
For present perfect tense using [since] or [for], it seems to be similar to present perfect continuous tense:
e.g.(1) I have played in football teams since I was eleven.
e.g. (2) I have played in football teams for 10 years.
In the above situations, it would seem that substituting the present perfect tense with the present perfect continous tense will not alter the meaning because [since] or [for] already implies that the action is ongoing within the stated time period.

Present perfect tense is also used in situations where the action may have happened only once, e.g. I have done it. In this case the meaning of [I have been doing it] has a very different meaning, and substitution is not suitable.

Even when [since] or [for] are used, present perfect tense defines the action as having happened and remains true up to now. Present perfect continuous tense defines the action as repeating non-stop up to now.
For example: [I have knwon him since 2004] can not be substitued with [I have been knowing him since 2004], because the action [know] does not need to be repeated non-stop to remain true.

參考: myself
2009-12-15 10:28 pm

2009-12-14 12:53 am
present perfect tense =過去至現在

present perfect continous tense =過去至現在及將來

I have been waiting for 2 hours .即係佢仲要等落去,巴士仲未到。
i have waited for 2 hours.即係佢己等完啦,上左巴士。


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