Mass deflect ,binding energy

2009-12-13 3:14 pm
Energy is required to separate a nucleus into its constituent nucleons. this energy is the total binding energy of the nucleus. for example, separating nitrogen-14 into nitrogen-13 and a neutron takes an energy equal to the binding energy of the neutron.
use the following data for this question
a) find the energy that binds the neutron to the nitrogen-14 nucleus.
b) similarly, one can speak of the energy that binds a single proton to the nitrogen-14 nucleus . Determine the energy that binds a proton to that nucleus.
c) which is greater? why do you think this is so?
I have no idea where to start, but i know how to calculate the mass defect , plz help!!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2009-12-13 5:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mass of a neutron = 1.008665u

Mass defect, m

= (13.005738u + 1.008665u) - 14.003074u

= 0.011329u

= (0.011329)(1.66 X 10^-27)

= 1.880614 X 10^-29 kg

So, the energy that binds the neutron to a N-14 necleus

= mc^2

= (1.880614 X 10^-29)(3.0 X 10^8)^2

= 1.69 X 10^-12 J

b. Mass of a proton = 1.007276u

Mass defect, m

= (13.005738u + 1.007276u) - 14.003074u

= 0.00994u

= 1.65004 X 10^-29 kg

So, energy

= mc^2

= (1.65004 X 10^-29)(3.0 X 10^8)^2

= 1.49 X 10^-12 J

c. Case a is greater, that is binding with a neutron.

It is because the mass defect due to a is greater, so it releases more energy.
參考: Physics king

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 20:53:12
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