When you 'were' boen?

2009-12-13 4:36 am
I'd like to know why we have to say when you 'were' born when asking someone the year of his/ her birth?

As I think, I'm asking the year of birth to ONE person only during a conversation, why plural aux v. 'were' is used instead of 'was'?

Thanks so much

回答 (2)

2009-12-13 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
第一,問人幾時出生的英文是 When were you born 而非 When you were born!

第二,凡是 you 都係用 plural form。平時都係講 you are 而無人講 you is 啦!
2009-12-13 5:00 am
This is related to the grammar of English. The rule of the language is '' When were you born?'' , so you just need to follow this.

這是關係到英文文法的。你只需要跟從這個約定俗成的規律。''When were you born'' 是正確的。
參考: my English is pretty good.

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