
2009-12-13 2:57 am

回答 (5)

2009-12-13 10:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

2009-12-14 23:17:11 補充:
2009-12-24 5:06 am
2009-12-21 1:30 pm
first, Hk people is nobody.
we have no choice, can not vote for our future, no voice and no countries will listen.

do you see what other answers say in here.

if Hk people want to be an independant place, it means HK people is 顛覆國家, even before we are become part of " 國家 ".???
wow, what is that?? i agree HK people is very 天真.

something about --- 香港回歸中國 樹立榜樣帶領中國走向民主,廉潔......
hahaha, how about we should ask 中國回歸香港..??

香港人真係天真..... they still believe 香港人係人.... we are the meat on the broad. we are nobody.
參考: live in HK 30 yrs
2009-12-14 4:19 pm
Dont be a child ! Probably misled by Gayloo Party la. HKg got no status, no potential to be independent!

1. Nationalist issue--No one would like to take up prominently the name of DOG, non patriot,to mother country. (some doing the dirty job but under a big name of Democracy!)
2. Resources--HKg depends on mainland for water, vege, canned food, poultry, meat, most of clothing, all other daily products.............................CAN ( not Could) we survived without them !
3. Political issues--would British make a war for our ASIANS? Would Yankee sacrifice their valuable life to fight for the welfare of HKgese? It is said that they are just very willing use $$ to buy some dogs to bark inside our territories.

Wake up, dont be foolishly misled by politicians, they could migrate to Yankee/Britain, could you?
2009-12-14 6:09 am

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