
2009-12-12 8:22 am

回答 (4)

2009-12-12 10:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can try.

Your case is borderline (not too much and not too little).

Of course having more will dramatically increase your chance.

Also, if you are not female, it will help as well.

2009-12-13 12:12:23 補充:
I will not say no. But it is better to have to increase your chance.
2009-12-13 6:51 am
It's hard to answer your question. Last time, they just needed my vacation letter issued by my employer, and didn't need to show my bank statements.
2009-12-12 9:03 pm
美國領事館之所以唔係咁易出visa比人, 係擔心你過左去唔返黎, 去美國搵野做, 點解要你銀行有錢, 係証明你有一定既經濟能力去應付該次既旅程.

去見領事既時候, 你要帶齊所有文件, 例如, 經濟証明, 即你銀行有幾多錢, 或者係一d不能動用既資產, 例如你有無保險金, 股票, 未到期既定期存款, 有無屋偰等等, 如果你已婚, 就要出示結婚証書, 如果你有仔女, 就要出示出世紙, 因為佢地會覺得你有家室在香港, 走路既機會比較微.

仲有, 你要出示做野既放假信, 如果買左機票, 又或者book 左酒店, 就要出示埋比佢地睇, 至於你話會住在親友那裡, 最好就唔好提, 佢地會怕你走路去搵佢地, 佢地會接濟你, 會有壞影響.

最後, 最重要係你要出示你既稅單, 無論你交多交少稅都好, 美國領事係對瞞稅既人最討厭.
2009-12-12 4:42 pm
you need the company vacation letter ( ask your boss for a favor lor ).

after plane ticket + $5000 USD. that should be ok....

i will suggest you ask the relative send you an invitation to US for ---- graduation, birthday party, wedding.....etc. of course it have to be truth lar.

if you just like to see the USA, why join the group travel.???

2009-12-14 07:19:08 補充:
you have job, so the embassy will ask you the company vacation letter as proof.
no letter to show them?? they will question you---- what's going on? you are run away from work?
參考: live in US

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