
2009-12-12 7:00 am

回答 (6)

2009-12-23 1:41 am
Although "Any thing cannot substitute for you." is grammatically correct, we should say "Nothing can substitute you." or " Nothing can substitute for you."
2009-12-20 6:57 am
2009-12-12 9:00 pm
It should be really corrected:

No others could be able to replace you. (因為你有[ 料 ],才不容易被取代)

BE ABLE 是用在:經過培訓或鍛鍊後才有力量/本事去做.

.......CAN 是用在:與生具來的力量,只要沒有病痛/被破壞,不用訓練就可去做.
2009-12-12 1:54 pm
I totally agree with 003 ar !!!!! "Irreplacable"==> this word is perfect.
2009-12-12 11:45 am

You are irreplaceable.

irreplaceable means impossible to replace 不可能取代

irreplaceable 已經包括咗 by anything 嘅意思,所以常用語唔寫哂
your are irreplaceable by anything.
參考: myself
2009-12-12 7:03 am
I think...
"There's nothing can replace you ."
"The thing that can replace you is 'nothing'."(I won't use this.)
hope it can help you.
參考: my grammer

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