
2009-12-12 3:10 am

回答 (4)

2009-12-25 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
你今年五年級, 但答你問題果D人, 就用英文回答你, 如果你唔用果D翻譯網,我相信你都唔會明佢地講乜野.

幫你買機票的人首先一定幫你做左一樣叫 UNACCOMPANIED MINOR的步驟.
當你去到機場, 你當然要找你坐飛機既航空公司櫃台, 做行李過榜 即是 CHECK IN.

當你CHECK IN 完之後, D空姐, 會帶你入去候機室等, 因為可能唔止你一個小朋友, 當齊人之後, 就會帶你去上飛機, 佢地會安排你地坐在佢地視線範圍之內. 當到達目的地之後, 空姐會帶你地出去, 找你地一早已經安排左既親友在那邊接你.
2009-12-21 12:50 pm
grammar school level 5th?
so you are 11 or 12 years old lar..??

i believe you are day dreaming try to run away from home..?? haha

because if you do need travel alone, that should be your parents problem and question, not from you.!

but anyway, try to answer your questions here...
they check your ticket and ID, passport......etc. when you go through the security check point.
there are menitor screen to show where is your airplane location ( the gate ). you just fellow the sign to find it.

you are under age to travel alone, so you need to have your parents consent form with offical certificated. the flight crew with watch you close arrive and exit the airport with appointed guardian.
2009-12-12 2:10 pm

First of all, 空姐 is not sitting with you.
however, you are young passager, you need to accompany with crew to though those checks.
Your parent should filled the form ( that requires from the airline, can get it from the counter) and check-in with you.
At arrival, the crew only hand you to the designed person who has been written on the form to pick you up.
2009-12-12 3:22 am



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