改善oral speaking既方法

2009-12-11 9:55 pm
唉我平時同朋友講英文都唔算差, 聽英文都唔會全部唔明

好似之前既exam咁樣, 係individual respond, 對住唔同班既人玩爆肚
個老師問左條問題之後, 我唔可以思考到, 甚至個腦1片空白
考完之後, 我冷靜諗下, 發覺我係識點答條問題架!

我想問有冇咩課程係可以幫助oral speaking?
如果冇既, 咁有冇咩方法幫下我改善?
我唔想下學期既exam又係咁樣/_\ 唉

PS 唔好答類似提高自信心既答案-口-

回答 (3)

2009-12-21 4:02 am
1. The most important thing to do is to speak more, once you have got used to
speaking in English, you'll not get frightened in exams.
2. For getting nervous, I think it's a matter of courage. Whether you speak
english well or not does not really matter. I encourage you to try to speak
more in public.
3. Try your best to start a conversation with strangers in English. Take for
example, you may participate in public speaking ,debate or competitions
like those prose reading, etc. Prepare speeches,etc.
4. Grab every chance you have in school's oral lessons (if you have one).
5. Read more newspapers, watch TV in english channels.
6. Reading passages written in english aloud everyday.
7. Actually, try thinking everything in you mind in English is a way of practice
(once suggested by my teacher)
8. For the individual response, quick thinking and structuring are also crucial.

Actually, practice makes perfect!!!!
參考: myself
2009-12-12 2:27 pm
If you want to improve your English speaking, you should read the newspapers or textbooks out loud, try to answer more questions in English class. Practice practice and practice.

As for you said 對住唔太熟既人講就會打哂結, and 之前既exam對住唔同班既人玩爆肚個腦1片空白, i think it wasn't because of your oral skill, it was just because you were so nervous to talk with those people u don't know je, cuz you said when you 冷靜諗下, 發覺係識點答條問題, that means u feel nervous to talk to strangers. Just take it easy and relax yourself, your oral skill is ok ga !~
2009-12-12 6:30 am

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