
2009-12-11 8:22 pm
This is my first geography’s survey. I think this is my worst survey I had never did since I had less prep of this survey.

We didn’t know about Sheung Wan a lot.

At the beginning, we spent lots of time in the place we went there first. One of my teammate said he wanted to look around that place so we followed but when we looked around for about 5 minutes. Then, we wanted to compete with the time. Luckily, we did it.

At lunchtime, teammates and I followed the map which was given by teacher to go McDonald’s but we couldn’t find it! I felt helpless at that time. Finally, we went to near supermarket to buy sushi and I sat near Grand Millennium Plaza to eat it. This sushi was sensational food I had never ate.

After the survey, I couldn’t write quickly so I left over near the canteen and did my part I hadn’t do.

I was a little bit upset as I want to study my homework very soon and I felt a little bit satisfied as I got an experience of getting lost and I learned “In doing we learn” and “In fair weather prepare for foul”.


回答 (3)

2009-12-11 9:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is my first geographical survey. I think this is my worst survey I had ever did since I was not prepared of this survey.

[You change from I to we, you should let us know who else is with you. Add some info. here.]
We didn't know a lot about Sheung Wan. [This sounds like the conclusion,]

Our suvey is to discover the historical and cultural heritage of Sheung Wan.
[You should define what you objective is first, then describe the details below.]

At the beginning, we spent lots of time in the place we went there first.[這句完全唔知你講乜,可以不要.] One of my teammate said he wanted to look around that place so we followed. After we looked around for about 5 minutes, then, .......[what]. we wanted to compete with the time. Luckily, we did it. [這句跟要走走看看5分鐘冇因果關係,我諗你想說你們在5分鐘內真的行一圈, 但唔明有乜意義.]write something you saw or did in this 5 minutes or then...go to lunch...接下段。

At lunchtime, teammates and I followed the map which was given by our teacher to go McDonald's but we couldn't find it! I felt helpless at that time. Finally, we went to a nearby supermarket to buy sushi and we sat near Grand Millennium Plaza to eat . This sushi was sensational food I had ever ate.

After the survey, I couldn't write quickly so I remained behind near the canteen and did my part I hadn't do. [這句唔知你要做乜,請交代.]
[left over是食剩,不是留低,left behind是被人遣留在一個地方,這裏你是說你自己留低remain behind]

I was a little bit upset as I want to study my homework [不用very soon] and I felt good though as I got an experience in getting lost and I learned ["In doing we learn" and "In fair weather prepare for foul".] Dont quote something that is not English idiom or invented phrases by you.查下英文成語詞典你想講乜]

有一句你時常寫但寫錯的:你想說「從來未xx」的英文是Something I ever xx,不是never,never的意思是「從來不xx」。請記住!

全段冇乜有意思內容,要寫的是你對今次活動的感想,唔係想知你唔當日冇準,唔留心,要趕功課等等。全文只有grand milliennium plaza跟上環有關,你對這地方和坐下食lunch的「廣場」有乜介紹。試下寫你由唔識上環到經過今次有乜唔同。
2009-12-12 1:17 pm
This is my first geography survey. I think this is my worst survey I had never done as I had not well-prepared for it.
We did not know about Sheung Wan a lot at the time of conducting the survey.

At the beginning, we spent lots of time in the place to check it out. One of my teammates said he wanted to look around that place, but when we looked around for about 5 minutes, we were running out of time. Luckily we did it.

At lunchtime, my teammates and I followed the map which was given by teacher to go to McDonald but we couldn’t find it! I felt helpless at that time. Finally, we went to the close by supermarket to buy sushi and sat near Grand Millennium Plaza to eat them. These sushi was the most delicious that I have ever eaten.

After the survey, I couldn’t write quickly, so I left scene and continued with my project.

I was a little bit upset as I wanted to study my homework in a very short timeframe.
At the same time, I felt a little bit satisfied as I got an experience of getting lost. I learnt how to find the place from the map. I was quite proud of myself.
2009-12-11 9:26 pm



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