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2009-12-11 2:42 am


地址:澳門賣草地街1號. 營業時間:09:30~21:30



大利來記(大利來記豬扒包在澳門聞名十多年,秘訣是炸豬扒及焗硬豬包都是用柴爐,所以豬扒、豬包特別香口,豬扒帶骨,口感一流,這裡的豬扒包下午三點開賣,限量供應,平日500個,假日800個. (即便你是早來有座位,一樣還是要排隊點購)
電話: 28827150

名稱 百家昌涼茶飲品
內容 這間於1617年開業的涼茶舖﹐不但是澳門其中一家最老的字號﹐說到涼茶品種之多﹐連老闆也感到自豪。他們依照祖傳秘方﹐成功推出多種功效顯著﹐功能特多的涼茶﹐其中外感涼茶可清熱去濕、解毒、消炎;其他還有牙痛茶﹐寒咳茶等等。
時間 上午七時至翌日凌晨四時
地址 爐石塘巷16號地下



回答 (1)

2009-12-12 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Hunger breeds discontent," the street snacks and snacks and so on, will not cost much, but in the best performance in a local food culture and characteristics, in addition to frequent hand-Shun Street ran into the meat, almond cake and cake, you must not miss things, dried pork, beef jerky, and snack food such as Phoenix volumes appear, gradually became a kind of souvenirs of Macau's unique culture. Make a lot of people who travel to Macau casinos in addition to playing music, it also has hand Shun Street to buy a little Macau specialties, send friends and relatives or their own use.

Macau, a loud-hailer herbal tea:

Herbal tea also contains the same therapeutic efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine. With Chinese herbal medicine as raw materials, developed by a kind of heat-clearing and detoxifying, Shengjinzhike, Qu fire dehumidifier traditional health drinks such as efficacy. Medicine Smell of tea with a faint, do not have flavor. Macau herbal tea for several hundred years of history, nearly 30 kinds of recipes. Popular market in Macau is still more than 20 species, mainly divided into the bitter cold of the effectiveness of a goal of dehumidification, heat addition to Yu Gan Liang, Gan Liang Runzao three kinds of heat, there are single herb and compound.
Address: Macau Street No. 1 selling lawn. Hours: 09:30 ~ 21:30

Portuguese tarts:
Macau's well-known characteristics of snacks. Portuguese tart tart pastry skin is also based mainly in the brush on the surface layer of stuffing maple syrup, and then put inside oven baking, a few dollars a Portuguese egg tart, crisp skin with a thick pine-based and cattle oil incense, in the middle of the egg sweet slippery, so that the surface becomes slightly caramel heat coke, and then the caramel sprinkled with cinnamon, eaten apart from jelly and pine-oriented, the gift to focus a little incense. The entrance of the taste that instant is absolutely irresistible.

2009-12-11 18:40:43 補充:
Pork chop package:
Australia tour is definitely one of the key must eat food!
Package from the finest of the pork chop pork chop for stuffing, coupled with the master recipe cooking,

2009-12-11 18:40:54 補充:
especially the kneading and the tomato is not tired of the taste and sweet lettuce for the West material, co-ordination of a very tasty salad dressing flavor of Macau pork chop bag.

2009-12-11 18:41:23 補充:
Recommended Shop:
Italian to remember (to remember the Italian pork chop wrapped in Macau, famous for 10 years, the secret fried pork chop and baked pork package is to use a hard wood stove, so pork chop, pork packages are particularly tasty and mouth, pork chop bones, texture class,

2009-12-11 18:41:33 補充:
where 15:00 to open the pork chop packages to sell a limited amount of weekdays, 500, holiday 800. (even if you come early there are seats still have to queue up the same point of purchase)
Italian to mind cafe
Address: (B water) Aberdeen Barbosa ago to No. 18)

2009-12-11 18:41:43 補充:
Tel: 28.82715 million
Consumption: 12 yuan for each pork chop packages

Name 100-chang herbal tea drinks
The contents of this herbal tea shops opened in 1617, Macau is not only one of the oldest

2009-12-11 18:42:04 補充:
middle name when it comes to wide variety of herbal tea, even the boss is also proud of it. They are in accordance with secret prescription, marked the successful launch of a variety of

2009-12-11 18:42:13 補充:
effects, features many special herbal tea, herbal tea which can be exogenous heat dewetting, detoxification, anti-inflammatory; Others include toothache tea, cold cough tea.
Time 7:00 to 4:00 the following day

2009-12-11 18:42:16 補充:
Address Ground Floor, No. 16, Lane furnace Shitang

5. Jerky
In Macao to buy souvenirs, beef jerky and pork dry essential. Fresh pork / beef jerky made from lean meat essence of the nearly 20 kinds of taste.

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