心裏好想對他人熱情, 但表現唔到而俾人話我冷淡

2009-12-11 2:15 am
平時人地做一d搞笑既野出黎, 我心裏其實好想表達出一份熱情, 但始終唔識

點表達出來 , 好多時我會笑, 但人地就覺得我好敷衍, 好冷淡T.T

我唔鍾意咁造作...而有d時侯我又覺得佢地好無聊, 唔想理佢地, 但又唔想佢地忽略我, 有冇d咩方法可以應付佢地之餘而覺得我既反應係正常ga ?

請大家救救我吧, 指點指點一下, 我唔想俾人排斥牙><


回答 (5)

2009-12-13 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you should be yourself..
I also had the same problem before,
sometimes people say things that I find are funny,
but I don&#039;t know how to respond to them.
Then I tried really hard to give some kind of response,
so that I can &quot;fit in&quot; to the conversation,
but the more I try, the more I find it difficult...
It felt like I am trying to pretend to be someone whom I am not.

Now, I just be myself...
when it&#039;s funny, I laugh, but I wouldn&#039;t purposely think of something to say..
Trying to be someone else to fit in is not a good feeling,
you get tired of it.

If you don&#039;t have much to say after a joke,
it&#039;s absolutely fine~ if people say that you have no emotions,
then let it be~~~
that is your personality!!

I am sure some people will find you very interesting,
some people out there will find you very mysterous and may that you are very interesting!!!
When you find the right people, I am sure they will understand you,
and find your emotioness a really cool and sexy personality!!!

2009-12-18 11:10 pm
2009-12-11 10:17 pm
人地做一d搞笑既野出黎 .....

你吾一定要比反應佢地 , 可以只系微笑,

吾需要去做和應 !

越造作 , 人會覺得越假, 你自己亦吾會開心 !

凡事自然就夠 , 想表達咩就去表達 ,

但一定要理會人的感受 !

朋友之間貴乎坦誠 / 真心 !

多同佢地分享心事 , 互相了解 , 友情先會長久 !

2009-12-11 9:24 pm
2009-12-11 4:40 am

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